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Lot #209 Racing T-Shirts and Caps
alwaysfun61 05/26/23 8:44P $27.00 alwaysfun61 outbid the previous bid by Tweva33
Tweva33 05/26/23 8:44P $26.00 Proxy bid was placed for Tweva33 in response to a bid by alwaysfun61
Tweva33 05/26/23 8:43P $15.00 Tweva33 raised their max bid.
Tweva33 05/26/23 6:48P $15.00 Tweva33 outbid the previous bid by panhh
panhh 05/26/23 6:48P $14.00 Proxy bid was placed for panhh in response to a bid by Tweva33
panhh 05/26/23 12:48P $13.00 panhh outbid the previous bid by Tweva33 Lowered the max bid.
Tweva33 05/24/23 10:50P $12.00 Proxy bid was placed for Tweva33 in response to a bid by panhh
Tweva33 05/24/23 10:50P $11.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Tweva33 in response to a bid by panhh
panhh 05/24/23 10:50P $10.00 panhh bid was accepted, but was outbid by Tweva33 using proxy bid.
Tweva33 05/24/23 10:50P $7.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Tweva33 in response to a bid by panhh
panhh 05/24/23 10:50P $6.00 panhh bid was accepted, but was outbid by Tweva33 using proxy bid.
Tweva33 05/24/23 9:09P $5.00 Tweva33 placed the starting bid.
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